Professional School Counselors at the Fruita 8/9 help students across social/emotional, academic, and career domains.
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The Counseling Program is a vital component of the Fruita 8/9 School.
Our comprehensive program guides us in our belief that all students can attain certain educational, career, personal/social objectives, and that all students will receive counseling services promoting these objectives.
Although professional school counselors are responsible for the systematic planning, delivering, managing, and evaluating of the counseling program, they do so in chorus with other educators and stakeholders.
Fruita 8/9 professional school counselors use data and stakeholders’ feedback to close the gap for underserved student populations. Counselors are both proactive and responsive to access and meet the needs of every student.
The Fruita 8/9 School counseling staff strive to ensure all students attain educational, career, and social success through key partnerships: helping them acquire the skills, knowledge and attitudes necessary to be contributing members of our local and world communities.